Member-only story
In 2013, I read the blog post from Barrie Davenport about, say, 100 things that can make your life happier. (Barrie always had those killer listicle posts on all topics.) Something in me lit up. I read another one of her posts, then another one, and then another one. Before I knew it, I dove into the sea of personal development. It was great. It gave me hope. It helped me get unstuck. It empowered me.
2013 was a shitty year for me. I lost my job and after a futile search, I moved back in with my parents to my hometown, where I got a random job in a small engineering company which I didn’t like. I didn’t learn much, I couldn’t grow, and day by day, I became quite hopeless.
That’s when I discovered self-help and became passionate about it. I used its principles to get myself out of the pit. I learned what made me happy. I took the responsibility for my own life and happiness. I changed my mindset. I started my own creative projects, found a new job, and soon enough found a fully-funded Ph.D. in the US and I moved abroad.
I started blogging about personal development. I benefited from these principles so much and I wanted to help others.